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Undergraduate Life Sciences Three-Minute Research

AIChE's Undergraduate Life Sciences Three-Minute Research showcase offers the opportunity to participate in an innovative compilation of student research in the life sciences at UGA.


The goal of the showcase is to allow presenters the opportunity to practice presenting their work effectively to a novice audience, gain experience in a unique format, and to expose new undergraduate students to potential research and networking opportunities.


3MR will be held on March 31st. Presentations will be followed by a mixer that will allow attendees to connect with speakers and learn more about their research. 


How to be a 3MR 2022 Presenter:

  1. Be a UGA student with at least one full semester of research experience in a life science STEM field in a wet or dry lab.

  2. Complete the application below by March 7th.

  3. Prepare a three-minute thesis presentation based on the guidelines below.

  4. Submit your single slide to Ryan Ward by March 14th.

  5. Present at the 3MR Showcase!


How to be a 3MR 2022 Attendee:

  1. Research UGA life sciences laboratories you might want to join.

  2. Keep an eye out for updates about the event.

  3. Identify the presenters you are most interested in hearing and meeting.

  4. Make sure to connect with them at the mixer after presentations!


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